Marketing Strategies for Businesses

How to Market Your Business if You’re An Introvert

February 29, 2024

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I'm Madelyn!

I'm a Marketing Strategist. Here, I'll be sharing marketing tips, social media hacks, and ways that you can take your small business to the next level!


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If you’re a business owner who’s an introvert, you might find it hard to market your business. Believe me, I get it. As an introvert myself, my stomach turns when I think about going to big networking events or being in the limelight. So if you prefer staying behind-the-scenes, how do you put yourself and your business out there? Let’s dive into marketing for introverts!

Marketing for introverts

In true introvert fashion, big group settings are outside of my comfort zone. While I do try to push myself outside of my comfort zone and attend larger networking events at least a couple times a month, I’m way more comfortable one-on-one.  

Something I try to do is meet up with another business owner every few weeks. Whether it’s a person I know or someone I’d like to meet, I’m intentional about asking her to get coffee or lunch.

I love one-on-one networking because I can connect and build a relationship so much better than I often can in a group. Before I go to a lunch or coffee meet-up, I remind myself to look this person as someone who could become a friend. Not only does this take even more pressure off, but it usually comes true.

Most of the time, it ends up being a great time of encouragement. Being a business owner can be hard, and we find that we have lots in common.

Have I sold you on one-on-one networking yet? Let me add this also: many times when I go to one-on-one networking meetings, we’re able to swap connections. If I know someone who could help the person I’m meeting, I tell her. Many times, the opposite happens as well, and I’m introduced to someone new, too.

Say goodbye to stress and burnout by planning out your week in advance. I LOVE weekly planning because it makes me more productive and helps me create effective routines as a business owner. Read this post for how to plan your week out in advance!

When I was thinking about tips to go along with marketing for introverts, I thought: why not remind them of what they excel at?

If you’re an introvert, your powers of perception can be a great strength. Listen and pay attention to what people (specifically your ideal customer) are saying.

What do they need? What do they want? What are their pain points? How can you help?

By listening, you can better understand and bridge the gap and fulfill their need.

Introverts also tend to be the type of people who absorb everything that’s being said before reaching a conclusion themselves. Use this skill to your advantage! Break down complex ideas into bite-sized teachings that your audience will comprehend.

Social media is a great tool for introverts because you can film a video or design a post without leaving your home! (which is a huge sigh of relief when it comes to marketing for introverts!)

Not only can you use hashtags and location tags to increase your reach, but social media can be really fun. You learn a lot about your ideal customer on social media, and then you can tailor your content so it appeals to them.

I’ve found it’s helpful for me to set a timer for creating content and engaging with my audience. Filming videos especially drains me, so putting perimeters on it helps me avoid burnout.

If it still feels daunting, you can outsource your social media to a social media manager (be sure to reach out and see if we’re a good fit!).

Like sharing on social media, you can record a podcast from the comfort of your home (an introvert’s dream!).

Whether you’re a host for your own podcast or a guest on someone else’s, it’s less stressful and more laidback.

There’s time to prepare for the episode, get in the zone, and you can discreetly glance at your notes during recording. Plus (and this is a big one), you can edit it later! While I would advise against editing the episode too much because you want to be authentic, it always take some pressure off to know that if I butcher a talking point, I get a do-over.

From writing an outline to establishing a time limit, podcasting is very much a controlled environment.

If you struggle with marketing as an introvert, try out one of these tips! You don’t have to dive into it all head-first. Set aside some time to experiment, see what works best for attracting new customers, and what you’re comfortable with.

And to my fellow introverted friends: Remember, it’s a good thing to push yourself outside of your comfort zone! Definitely take these tactics I’ve shared in this post, but also challenge yourself. You might be surprised at how it goes!

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