Small Business Marketing

Five Affordable Marketing Strategies to Help Your Brick-and-Mortar Business Thrive

January 19, 2024

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5 Affordable Marketing Strategies to Help Your Brick-and-Mortar Business Thrive
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I'm Madelyn!

I'm a Marketing Strategist. Here, I'll be sharing marketing tips, social media hacks, and ways that you can take your small business to the next level!


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If you own a brick-and-mortar businesses, you might face the challenge of standing out and attracting customers. However, with consistency and the right marketing strategies, businesses can increase their visibility and boost profits without breaking the bank. Here are five affordable marketing strategies for brick-and-mortar businesses!

five affordable marketing strategies for brick and mortar businesses

I’m sure my listing social media comes as a surprise to absolutely no one. But it’s worth mentioning because social media such a valuable tool to connect and engage with your audience.

Here’s the thing: I don’t think social media should be your business’ sole marketing strategy. But it’s definitely a tool that should be utilized—and it’s FREE. If you have a brick-and-mortar business, chances are, people are going to forget you exist until they enter your business again.  

Social media is a great way to remind people that, Hey, we exist! We can meet your needs or wants. Come check us out!

You don’t have to spend hours curating content. Focus on what your audience truly wants. Ask yourself what would help them. If you have new services or products, share about it. If there’s a discount, tell them about it. If an event is coming up, promote the heck out of it.

You can also share engaging content, promotions, and behind-the-scenes glimpses to build a sense of community. And don’t forget to utilize the power of Instagram and Facebook stories!

Download my free guide to help your small business plan out the new year and hit your goals! (In this guide, I even share a template you can use to create a vision board!)

I call loyal, repeat customers your business’ “cheerleaders.” A good way to encourage repeat business and help nudge these customers to become cheerleaders is through implementing a customer loyalty program.

You could offer discounts, create a points system, give away a birthday gift, or offer exclusive first access for loyal customers. Highlight these offers through your social media channels and in-store signage. A well-executed loyalty program not only rewards existing customers but also attracts new ones through word-of-mouth referrals.

Improve your business’s online visibility by optimizing for local search engine optimization (SEO).

Claim your Google My Business listing and ensure that all your business information is accurate. You can also display your business hours, contact information, services, photos, enable messaging, and more. I recommend filling out as much as you can.

Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews, as they can significantly impact local search rankings.

If you have a website, be sure to use local keywords in your website content, meta tags, and descriptions. There are lots of YouTube videos and articles about how to optimize your SEO to help your ideal customers find you.

Going back to your business’ “cheerleaders,” be sure to identify loyal customers who align with your brand and target audience. Just because they don’t have tens of thousands of followers doesn’t mean they can’t impact their friends, family, and followers.

Reach out to them to collaborate, and offer a mutually beneficial partnership. If you have a new product or service, ask them to try it out, see how it helps them, and share about it several times on social media as well as in real life.

Wondering how to create a hashtag strategy that gets more views and engagement for your posts? Read my blog post here! How to Use an Instagram Hashtag Strategy for Your Small Business

Email marketing is crucial in today’s world. Hear me loud and clear: you need an email list.

There are lots of email service providers if you want the very basics, and there are also those that provide a few more features for a small price each month. (If you’d like to know which email service provider I use, send me a DM at @madelynvictoriaco and I’ll answer you quickly!)

Building and maintaining a mailing list of your clients helps keep them informed about promotions, events, and new products/services. It’s a cost-effective way to nurture customer relationships and drive repeat business. Like I pointed out with social media earlier: sending consistent emails also reminds people that you exist.

Unlike social media, however, there’s no algorithm that may-or-may-not-show-your-content.  Another checkmark in the “pros” column for having an email list is that you own it. If (heaven forbid) Instagram or Facebook ceased to exist or deleted your profile, then you start back over from square one because you don’t own it.

You’ll always have your email list, though, and the ability to send your content to your subscribers’ inboxes.

When you implement these low-cost marketing ideas for your brick-and-mortar business, you might be surprised at how your visibility, customer engagement, and ultimately, your profits increase.

Be sure to consistently analyze what’s working and what isn’t and adjust your strategies accordingly. With a little creativity, consistency, and a focus on building connections, you’ll help your business succeed.

And if you want even more help planning out your year, download my free guide to help you crush your goals!

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To build a successful business, you need a long-term marketing strategy that attracts your ideal clients and turns them into your biggest cheerleaders. 

Maybe you've tried build a marketing strategy or design your website yourself, but gave up after not seeing results. Or maybe you simply didn’t have enough time to be consistent with it. Maybe it left you feeling defeated and frustrated in the end.

That’s why I’ve made it my mission to help business owners like you implement simple marketing strategies that work and design beautiful websites that convert.

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