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Book Review: Amy Porterfield’s Two Weeks Notice

November 9, 2023

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I'm Madelyn!

I'm a Marketing Strategist. Here, I'll be sharing marketing tips, social media hacks, and ways that you can take your small business to the next level!


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If you’re an entrepreneur or small business, chances are you’ve heard of Amy Porterfield’s Two Weeks Notice book. I’ve followed Amy, who’s a marketing expert, for a while and recently read her book about leaving the traditional workplace and building a successful online business. I thought it might be helpful for me to do a book review about who it’s for and if it’s worth the read!

Madelyn Victoria holding Amy Porterfield Two Weeks Notice Book

What is Amy Porterfield’s Two Weeks Notice Book About?

From handing in your two-weeks notice at work to creating a strategy that generates revenue, Amy covers it all! She starts at step one, helping you build a foundation and identify your Customer Avatar. Then, she walks you through specific strategies you can implement to build and grow your business.

I know many people like the structure of an 8-5 job—it provides security, predictability, and a team of likeminded people. Most of the time, there’s a true separation of work and life when you leave the office.

On the other hand, entrepreneurship sometimes means long hours (especially in the beginning) and working on weekend and lots of trial and error. BUT entrepreneurship can also mean flexible hours and working a job you love and pushing past the glass ceiling! In Two Weeks Notice, Amy not only dives into what it looks like being your own boss, but how to do it.

Not sure what you or your small business should post on social media? Check out my post: “30 Content Ideas for When You Don’t Know What to Post on Instagram”

Who is Two Weeks Weeks Notice For?

The Two Weeks Notice book is for people who want more—more creative, financial, and time freedom. Yes, it’s for entrepreneurs, but working for yourself and building your own business has never been more accessible!

Even though Amy gears her book towards entrepreneurs in the online space, there are lots of tips small businesses can implement as well! The chapters on email marketing, social media marketing, content creation, and website building are especially of value to small businesses.

Also, if you’re a small business who has a brick-and-mortar store, you might actually discover that you could incorporate online courses into your business plan, increasing your visibility and revenue in the process.  

Final Thoughts | Do I Recommend Amy Porterfield’s Two Weeks Notice Book?

Let’s get down to the question you’ve been wondering: Is Amy Porterfield’s Two Weeks Notice book worth the read?

My answer is yes! Amy gives her readers great value and a roadmap for leaving the corporate world and building your own business.

Each chapter is filled with nuggets of wisdom, and you wouldn’t believe how many highlights, notes, and sticky tabs line the pages. Amy answers questions, gives encouragement, and provides the tools readers need to make a change in their life.

I’m not working the 8-5 life anymore and went all-in as an entrepreneur—it’s people like Amy who not only showed me it’s possible, but helped equip me for my goals and dreams!

So yes, buy Amy Porterfield’s Two Weeks Notice book—mark up the pages and jot down any ideas that come to mind. I think you’ll be glad you did.

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